
Web3 – A Scam, The Next Big Thing, Or Simply Both

The creation of Web3 presents a once-in-a-generation chance to create an improved version of the internet and wrest control of it away from the multinational corporations that currently dominate it. Some people are going to get very wealthy off of Web3
June 8, 2022

So, What Is Web3?

Many people believe that Web3 will be the internet of the future. This new web, which is based on blockchain technology, is envisioned to incorporate cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), and more. 

It provides users with a read/write/own version of the web, in which they have a financial stake in the web communities they join as well as more power over those groups. The promise of Web3 is that it will revolutionize the experience of being online in the same way as personal computers and cellphones did. However, there is a possibility of adverse outcomes. 

Some businesses have ventured into this sector, only to be met with resistance because of concerns regarding the environmental impact, financial speculation, and the possibility of fraudulent activity associated with Web3 initiatives. And despite the fact that blockchain is touted as a remedy for issues relating to privacy, centralization, and financial exclusion, it has actually given rise to new manifestations of many of these issues. Before making a commitment, businesses need to carefully weigh both the dangers and the potential rewards.

Can you recall the very first time you came across the term “bitcoin”? Perhaps it was only a rumor about a brand-new piece of technology that would make things different. It’s possible that you had the temptation to join the people who had suddenly earned a modest fortune, even though it wasn’t entirely clear what the “money” could be spent on in a way that was morally acceptable. 

Bitcoin is currently appearing to have widespread adoption. Many of us haven’t noticed how slowly cryptocurrencies are making their way into the mainstream because of all the demands that are placed on our attention. Until all of a sudden, Larry David was marketing them during the Super Bowl; celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Tom Brady, and Jamie Foxx were hawking them in advertisements; and a really horrifying Wall Street-inspired robot bull celebrating cryptocurrencies was launched in Miami. 

What was initially an intriguing mystery and then a potentially lucrative market niche has evolved into a significant commercial enterprise. Cryptography, on the other hand, is only the tip of the iceberg. The technology that underpins blockchain is referred to as a “distributed ledger,” which is a database that is hosted by a network of computers rather than a single server. 

This provides users with a mechanism to store information that is both unchangeable and transparent. Blockchain is already being utilized for a variety of novel purposes, such as the production of “digital deed” ownership records of non-fungible tokens and other one-of-a-kind digital things. The collective name for all of these initiatives is “Web3.” This is a useful shorthand for the effort of rewiring how the online works by utilizing blockchain technology to change how information is stored, transferred and owned. 

The term is “rewiring the web.” In principle, a web that is powered by blockchain might break monopolies about who controls information, who makes money, and even how networks and organizations function. The proponents of Web3 claim that it would usher in a new era of the internet, which will be characterized by the creation of new online economies, new classes of products, and new services; that it will restore democracy to the internet; and that it will do all of these things.


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Is Web3's Popularity Inevitable?


The remaking of the web is a significant endeavor, notwithstanding the apparent fact that a lot of effort, money, and talent is currently being invested in Web3 projects. 

Blockchain technology, despite all of its promise, must first overcome severe obstacles in the areas of technology, environment, ethics, and regulation before it can become dominant. The utopian pitch for a decentralized web is being undermined by the pull of centralization and the proliferation of new intermediaries, as a growing chorus of skeptics are warning that Web3 is rotten with speculation, theft, and privacy problems. In addition, the pull of centralization and the proliferation of new intermediaries is already undermining the utopian pitch.

In the meanwhile, businesses and leaders are attempting to make sense of the possibilities — as well as the risks — of a quickly shifting landscape. This landscape might yield significant returns to organizations that get it right; therefore, getting it right is of critical importance. There are a lot of businesses dabbling with Web3 right now, and while some of them have seen significant amounts of success, a few prominent businesses are discovering that they (or their clients) do not like the temperature of the market. 

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The majority of individuals, of course, do not even have a basic understanding of what Web3 is: In March 2022, a haphazard survey of HBR readers conducted on LinkedIn revealed that approximately seventy percent of respondents were unaware of the meaning of the phrase.

The proponents of this concept are marketing it as a fundamentally improved version of Web2 that will address a number of issues, including skewed incentives. Are you concerned about your privacy? Using an encrypted wallet will prevent others from impersonating you online. In regards to censorship: A decentralized database keeps everything in an unchangeable and transparent manner, which prevents moderators from swooping in to erase anything that violates community standards

Centralization? You have a legitimate voice in the decisions that are made by the networks on which you spend the most time. In addition to this, you will be given a share in the company that has a monetary value; in other words, you will be treated as an owner rather than a product. This is what the read/write/own web is supposed to look like.

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