
Trending: TikTok Scams are Targeting the Youth

Fake accounts on the social media platform TikTok are abundant, and they will attempt to trick you into providing payments or sensitive information. This article discusses some of the most common TikTok scams in 2022, as well as some helpful tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of one of these scams in the first place. In part due to the fact that children and teenagers are less aware than adults of the prevalence of and dangers associated with online scams, TikTok scams are particularly effective at luring them in.

April 27, 2022
tiktok videos

Attention! Parents and grandparents: this one is for you! You may be unfamiliar with TikTok, but the chances are good that the young people in your family are familiar with it and use it on a regular basis. According to a recent study, children aged four to fifteen spend an average of 80 minutes per day on the platform. According to TikTok’s own statistics, 80% of their users are between the ages of 16 and 24. The more time you spend interacting with the app, the more exposed and vulnerable you are to identity theft and other crimes. And it’s especially dangerous for children under the age of five.

In spite of the fact that TikTok has gained widespread attention as a result of its viral dance videos, scammers are also taking advantage of the platform in order to reach entirely new audiences. Fake accounts on the social media platform TikTok are abundant, and they will attempt to trick you into providing payments or sensitive information. This article discusses some of the most common TikTok scams in 2022, as well as some helpful tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of one of these scams in the first place. In part due to the fact that children and teenagers are less aware than adults of the prevalence of and dangers associated with online scams, TikTok scams are particularly effective at luring them in. People between the ages of 10 and 19 account for more than 30% of the TikTok user base, making them the most populous demographic as well. Having said that, anyone can become a victim of a TikTok scam at any time and from anywhere. When it comes to scams on the internet, there are numerous variations that target different types of users. Knowing what to look out for is critical to staying safe on the internet and staying safe on the platform.

TikTok Scams Preying on the Youth in 2022

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Scammers are aware of this practice and are concentrating their efforts on these individuals. One of the scams you’ll come across on TikTok goes something like this: Would you like to be paid $10 just for downloading an app from a social media website? If you say yes, you’ll be paid $10. You would, of course, if you were a child. As an adult, you should be able to tell that this is a scam; however, if you’re a child, you probably won’t. In fact, tens of thousands of young people are falling prey to fraud. They will never receive a single cent from the government. However, the crooks have an opportunity to deceive them into disclosing confidential information or downloading malware from the internet. There are a variety of other methods by which the con artists operate TikTok scams. Included among these are drop shipping scams, in which buyers receive a different product than they ordered; pyramid schemes and quick cash offers; fraudulent offers of assistance with college tuition; and phony celebrity endorsements of diet pills, among other types of fraud.

TikTok Scams to Look Out For


Victims are targeted through the use of phishing emails purporting to be from TikTok, claiming that there is a problem with their account or directing them to a fraudulent sign-on page. As an alternative, the user may be directed to a messaging app where they are deceived into believing they are speaking with a TikTok representative, who then requests that they verify their account.


We have encountered victims who were mentally and emotionally drained when they were scammed out of their money. We can help you with your legal and technical concerns. We can help you get your money back.

Imposters and Influencers

Scammers pose as celebrities or social media influencers in order to promote products that may or may not exist in the real world. TikTok recently banned anyone, legitimate or not, from promoting investments and other financial services as a result of the increasing prevalence of fraudulent money and pyramid schemes on the platform, according to the company. The majority of genuine influencers have a “verification badge” to demonstrate that their pages and profiles are legitimate. However, it is possible that the badge is a forgery. Some scammers perform online selling scams where they will advertise the sale of verification badges for $200 each, but anyone who attempts to purchase will find that their money has been wasted and that they will not receive a badge.

Video Shaming

Young people should exercise caution when posting videos and photos on social media. They believe that only their friends and possibly family will be able to see them. The criminals, on the other hand, may then use them as bargaining chips in blackmail. The tactic is referred to as “video shaming,” and it involves tracking down the poster’s family and sending them a video of the incident along with questions such as, “Is this your child?” TikTok makes an effort to protect its users, but we can’t rely solely on them to do so in all circumstances.

If you’ve been scammed in TikTok ,then contact us to help you get your money back!

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Keep a Look Out Everyone!

TikTok has taken a firm stance against scammers, kicking them to the curb and removing videos on a massive scale. However, they continue to arrive. The company, whose ultimate owner is based in China, also provides assistance through its community pages and a scam reporting system, among other means. Many of the tricks can be avoided by following a few common-sense guidelines: Never pay for “likes.” This is a scam. Do not click on links or download apps unless you have thoroughly investigated the alleged offers. Make sure to avoid posting anything that you wouldn’t want the entire world to see. Any TikTok message that does not come from or redirect you to should be treated with caution. Pay close attention to the address bar. Never go offsite to a linked messaging app unless you are 100% certain of who you are dealing with on the other end.

Furthermore, look over the language and structure of the comments; the majority of automated scam bots use more or less the same wording and, in many cases, poor grammar and spelling to deceive their victims. Don’t just blindly download any apps that you see advertised on TikTok. Think about what you’re doing. First and foremost, consider what you’re getting yourself into. Moreover, when purchasing or downloading software, make sure to do your research and read reviews to ensure that you are getting what you paid for and that you are not installing adware or malware on your device. We freely provide resources on our website for you to read!


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Our news section focuses on reporting scam related news and alerts. We aggregate information from the web, as well as, reach out to our contacts so that we can get the latest scoop on scam operations.

FundTrace is committed to upholding the journalistic standards online, including accuracy. With our news reporting, our policy is to review each issue on a case by case basis, immediately upon becoming aware of a potential error or need for clarification, and to resolve it as quickly as possible.

We Can Help You

Victims of scams are stressed out because they don’t know what to do. We have the tools and experience to fight off scams, and our team can help you in getting your money back.

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